Tuesday, August 31, 2010

we see the future?

Amazing! In this video, Mark Changizi explains why we can see things that happen 0.1 seconds later and how this idea explains optical illusions.
I believe it's all related to mirror neurons. A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. Therefore, I believe that if we encounter a person with mirror neuron damage or possibly little children with no complex mirror neurons, they won't be able to predict the future like others can.

Monday, August 30, 2010

To Him we shall return

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as Man, to soar
With angels bless'd; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel-soul,
I shall become what no mind e'er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones,
To Him we shall return.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

For Blind Soccer Stars, Field of Vision Is Overrated

Do you think it is possible for a blind to play soccer. The ball has a ring and each team has someone calling out instructions from behind one of the goals. players can call each other either by name or by shouting “Yeah!” And when you’re approaching to engage another player to steal the ball, you must shout “Voy!”.
I enjoy blind soccer plays very much!

from wired.com

What is a PhD?

here there is a fantastic view of a PHD. so fun.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Play a computer game and help scientists

There is a game here. playing this game will help Bio-informatics scientists to solve problems easier. They believe humans can do much better than computers so they have designed this game.
Ive downloaded it. Yet I haven't learn how to play so I don't have any idea how fun it can be!
maybe thinking of solved science problems make if fun.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reading P300 Brain Waves to Predict Terrorist Attacks

Imagine technology that allows you to get inside the mind of a terrorist to know how, when and where the next attack will occur.
That’s not nearly as far-fetched as it seems, according to a new Northwestern’s Weinberg University study.
Say, for purposes of illustration, that the chatter about an imminent terrorist attack is mounting, and specifics about the plan emerge, about weapons that will be used, the date of such a dreaded event and its location.
Full article